New House!

I'm just going to give you a quick update since it is after midnight. We FINALLY got our house this past week!!!! We are so excited and we have been cleaning and painting all weekend. I have some before pictures and I will take some after pictures once we get things more-or-less put together. Anyway, thats the latest, we have been and will be busy with that for a while so I will try to write, but don't be mad if it takes me forever!
Other than that, we are doing good. Olivia is so excited for her new pink room! She is just as cute and silly and dramatic as ever! Little baby (in utero) is also doing good, growing well and kicking a lot :)
I hope everyone is doing well, Happy St. Patty's day on Tuesday!

Sick and a Little Lonely

So today is Wednesday. Well, technically Thursday since it is after midnight. I can't sleep. Which has become a common thing for me. Between being pregnant and being sick with a cold, I can't get comfortable or stop coughing for long enough to relax. At least I've got my laptop and late-night television to keep me entertained! I am a little annoyed though. I turned on Lifetime network at 11 to watch Golden Girls, which I do pretty much every night, and it wasn't on! They have been playing Desperate Housewives all week. It's stupid I know, and I have the whole Golden Girls series on dvd, but I am still a little peeved. Thanks for the heads up Lifetime! Wow, I'm sounding a little pathetic.
Which brings us to the Lonely part in my post title. JJ is out of town for work again, and I am a little lonely. But tonight I actually got to see several of my best friends. My wonderful friend Sarah colored my hair for me, AGAIN! I keep changing my mind about my haircolor. Thanks Sarah, for being such a good friend and putting up with my crazy haircolor requests :) It is always nice to just be with girlfriends. Also, two of my best friends from high school stopped by the house to visit tonight, and it made me realize how much I miss having girlfriends around all the time. (Thanks Steph and Melissa! And thanks for the milkshake :) you know how to please a pregnant woman!)
Anyway, I love my husband and my family, but it would be nice to go out by myself with friends once in a while. But then, just like most moms who put themselves at the bottom of the list, I end up feeling guilty for even thinking that I need to leave by myself for a few hours. I know it's not a foreign dilemma to any mom, so I'm making it my new goal to make sure I get a little ME time more often. Whether it's a quiet drive around town, a trip to Target by myself for an hour or an afternoon to go to lunch and a movie with girlfriends, it makes such a difference in my attitude towards my family and gives me much more patience to deal with every little thing at home. And my husband gets a little one-on-one time with our daughter, which is also much-needed for both of them since he works so much. I'll let ya know how it goes, hopefully I can make it happen!
Well anyway, I'm going to watch E! News and listen to everyone rant about the Bachelor (the jerk!!)

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