
That pretty much sums it up.
We've been trying to be a house for a while now and it seems like nothing is going to work out. We are living with my in-laws for the time being and I'm so grateful that they are letting us stay. But we don't know how long we'll be here and how long the house deal will take. I'm about ready to give up.
Sorry to be a Debbie Downer, hopefully the next post will be a happier one! I'm just so frustrated!!!! I wish I could fast forward like 6 weeks and be done with everything! Anyway, I'll let you know what happens, if anything does.
P.S. Christmas pictures are coming..... one of these days!


Good luck moving, babe! i am sorry it is stressful... let me know if I can do anything for you! xoxox

January 8, 2009 at 1:17 PM  

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